English 11 – ENG3U course extends students' experience with the English language. Students will further investigate
literatures from multiple time periods and in various genres including prose fiction, poetry, drama and mixed media. They
will explore the connections between form and content in literature while improving critical thinking skills. Students will
learn the specifics of rhyme, meter, writing formal argumentative and editorial style pieces, as well as creative writing.
This course will help students develop the skills required at the university level.

- Teacher: Mr. Vincent Arff
English 12 – ENG4U course emphasizes the consolidation of the literacy, communication, and critical and creative
thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyze a range of challenging literary texts
from various periods, countries, and cultures; interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts; and create oral,
written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on using academic language coherently and
confidently, selecting the reading strategies best suited to particular texts and particular purposes for reading, and
developing greater control in writing. The course is intended to prepare students for university, college, or the workplace.

- Teacher: Mr. Vincent Arff
OLC4O course is designed to help students acquire and demonstrate the cross-curricular literacy skills that are evaluated
by the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT). Students who complete the course successfully will meet the
provincial literacy requirement for graduation. Students will read a variety of informational, narrative, and graphic texts
and will produce a variety of forms of writing, including summaries, information paragraphs, opinion pieces, and news
reports. Students will also maintain and manage a portfolio containing a record of their reading experiences and samples
of their writing.

- Teacher: Mr. Vincent Arff